
Katja Lucker

Katja Lucker

Born in northern Germany, Katja Lucker began her career as an actress in Berlin in 1990 before successfully setting up her own business as a cultural manager. Her portfolio includes the Kesselhaus in the Kulturbrauerei, the Carnival of Cultures and work at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, including with Karlheinz Stockhausen. From 2007 to 2012, she worked as project manager for creative industries for RUHR.2010. Katja Lucker was also involved in various Berlin music networks and was a member of various juries for Berlin music funding. In 2012, Katja Lucker was appointed by Klaus Wowereit, then Governing Mayor of Berlin, to set up the Musicboard in order to provide new impetus for Berlin's pop music scene. Since 2015, Musicboard has operated as the state-owned Musicboard Berlin GmbH with Katja Lucker as Managing Director. In this role, she has been responsible for organising the Pop-Kultur Festival since 2015 and the Fête de la Musique in Berlin since 2018. She took over the management of Initiative Musik gGmbH on 1 January.