Know your rights – Ein juristisches Beratungsangebot der Themis-Vertrauensstelle zu sexueller Belästigung und Gewalt im Arbeitskontext
April 25, 13:00–16:00
Political correctness, consensus and the responsible handling of power relations are not a curious new invention of the "Woke Bubble". Much of this has been standardised in black and white by lawmakers since 2006 in the General Equal Treatment Act.
Would you like to exchange ideas, discuss or simply pick up an information brochure? Then you are very welcome to book a counselling slot at the Themis Trust Centre with lawyer Lea Breuer. Bring your questions with you!
As a lawyer, Lea can provide employers and employees in the music industry with materials on how to deal with incidents of sexual harassment in their own company or what to do if you have witnessed or been affected.
The counselling service at the c/o pop Convention 2024 is aimed at employees and employers in the music industry.
For a 20-minute counselling slot on Thursday 25 April between 13:00 - 16:00, you can contact Lea by email at